Audio script of a paper presented live to Sapere Aude on 22 December 2024 more
As we age, there is a sense in which we also begin to feel closer to the dead, as if the passing of time makes the veil between our world and theirs increasingly thin. more
Boehme's metaphysical experiment is important because it presents a God who understands our suffering and embraces both the Dark and Light Worlds, albeit a Divinity where no evil m... more
Excerpt from the author's book 'Time Slip Phenomena: The Ghosts of the Trianon, The Legend of Lucy Lightfoot and the Haunting of William Hogarth'. A curious instance of a time sli... more
In the 1958 Hammer Horror classic 'Dracula', starring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing, Dracula is finally defeated when he becomes transfixed by the shape of a cross while sunlig... more
Ce livre explore en profondeur le lien entre ces deux visionnaires. L'auteur dissèque méticuleusement la peinture à la détrempe de Blake, « Allégorie de la condition spirituelle de... more
The Parable of the Prodigal Son is more than a story of repentance; it is also about a parent's refusal to let fear contaminate his life. more
Transcription de la conférence présentée à 'Sapere Aude' le 14 mars 2024 Les manuscrits de Grainville more
A critique of William Wynn Wescott's comparative lecture on serpent symbolism. more