The Seven Spirits and Mary of Magdala
Mark 16:9 "...he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had cast seven devils."
Luke 8:2: “…a certain woman, who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called the Magdalene, out of whom he sent seven devils."
Near the Sea of Galilee was the tiny city of Magdala, of which Mary is named. Some have suggested that she was instead Mary of Bethany, one of Lazarus' sisters. The number seven sometimes refers to “completeness” and in the esoteric Christian tradition of Martinism it conveys both a positive and a negative connotation. The seven evil spirits designate the insinuations that Lucifer suggested to Adam at his Fall, and therefore symbolise the sum of all men in their rebellion from God.
It is in this sense that Mary Magdalene is a “type” for fallen humanity, and she represents a person who has fallen the furthest from God's original purpose for us. Her mind had become totally influenced and corrupted by the “seven spirits” of Lucifer, a collective influence better known as “Satan”.
Yet, in Christ, God brought illumination to this world, through the incarnation of the Word made man by another Mary. Christ brought with him the “Seven Spirits (the Sevenfold-Spirit) of God”, who also roam the earth to support those like the Magdalene who are led to do the very opposite of the will of God.
The Seven Spirits of God are directed against the evil of Satan, and in themselves designate divine “actions” which balance the influence or darts of the seven evil spirits, so that their action may never take us beyond the strength we have to repel them.
The lesson of Mary Magdalene is not so much that the evil spirits were cast from her by Jesus, but more that she was provided with the grace and support she needed to obtain her balance, and with it regain her humanity, health, integrity - and faith. Indeed, she was not only one of the three Marys who remained by Christ at the foot of the cross; she was also the first to hear of his resurrection to new life. The Martinist treatise of the Abbe Fournie (1738-1825) discusses these principles and much else besides.
Pictured: The relics of Mary Magdalene displayed in the golden reliquary at the Basilica de Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, France.