The Élus Coëns Library

Paperback and Dust-Jacketed Hardcover Reference Editions of the Core Élus Coëns Manuscripts

Paperback and Dust-Jacketed Hardcover Reference Editions of the Core Élus Coëns Manuscripts

I studied Theology at the University of Birmingham, obtaining both a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master’s in the subject, and later became a solicitor specialising in private client law. I have written papers and studies on both the subject of Law, and also the more esoteric subject matter, including books on Rosicrucianism, early Masonic organisation, and symbolism and allegory in esoteric texts. I am a member of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), and in 2017 was awarded the prestigious Companion of Christian Rosenkreutz (CCR) award for my paper on Martinez de Pasqually.

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at a time

Martinez de Pasqually and the Office of the Holy Spirit

The Office of the Holy Spirit was a liturgical grouping of prayers used by monastic orders in the medieval period to honour God the Holy Spirit. It followed a similar structure to ...  more  

2017 Programme of the Metropolitan Study Group & the Salon Rose Croix

Metropolitan Study Group & Salon Rose Croix Programme,2017.  more  

The Polity of the Church of England

The evolution of Anglican doctrine on the threefold ministry in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries  more  

The Threefold Anglican Ministry In the Writings of Thomas Cranmer, Richard Hooker and Jeremy Taylor

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Watkin's Mind, Body & Spirit Magazine

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SRIA North Eastern Counties Provincial Study Day July 13, 2024

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SRIA Metropolitan Study Group Podcasts, Lectures & Research Papers

Metropolitan Study Group Papers Presentations by M.R. Osborne  more  

The Lessons of Lyons: A paper presented at the Salon Rose-Croix, Mark Mason Hall, Saturday 16th December 2017

A paper presented in person at the Salon Rose-Croix, Mark Mason Hall, Saturday 16th December 2017  more