"As to keeping your spiritual obligations, you will personally recite the Office of the Holy Spirit, the Miserere Mei and the De Profundis once a week " 

Martinez de Pasqually, 2 September 1768

A curious blend of esoteric Jewish and Christian streams converged in Pasqually's system, which we know today as Martinezism. He claimed to act under the direction of an anterior order, and mentioned "teachers and faithful friends" who had taught him. Yet the spiritual devotions of the temporal Church were of paramount importance to Pasqually, who required his adepts to recite some of the canonical Offices or Hours of the Church.

Chief of these was the medieval Office of the Holy Spirit, which by his time had become truncated into a "Little Office" contained in a rare Book of Hours.

This edition includes a fully reconstructed manuscript and translation of the medieval Office of the Holy Spirit, as well as the shorter Hours. With a foreword by Matt Fletcher, this new book is available as a full-colour hardcover with dustjacket, or as a black-and-white paperback.                             

                                                                                                Author selling Books on Rosicrucianism and Books on Secret Traditions