L'introduction complète du Traité sur la réintégration des êtres de Martinez (Martinés) de Pasqually (c.1727 - 1774). Le traité n'était que partiellement achevé à la mort de Pasqua... more
The first translation into English of the Abbé Fournié's treatise brings back to life one of the most influential minds of the original Élus Coën. more
Transcript of Sapere Aude live recording # 338 on ‘Pierre Fournié: What We Have Been What We Are, And What We Will Become’ more
Paul’s zealousness for the Law had been revealed for what it was: a futile hope. It was time for initiates to discover Christ through the transformative power of the Spirit. Presen... more
Pierre Reymond's workshops expanded craft metalworking into the production of beautiful enamelled metal tableware, painted with mythological and biblical scenes. Is there a deeper ... more
Mary Magdalene as an allegory of spiritual warfare in the New Testament. more
Published in English in The Lessons of Lyons (2021). Thirty of Pasqually's letters written between 1767 - 1773. more
On the collapse of Christianity in England and the feckless Anglican clergy responsible for it more
The story of the Good and Bad Thieves is an allegory of the choices we make between truth and falsity in a world mixed by good and evil forces. more
Why are contemporary Church of England clergypeople so spineless? more