Author Blogs

As an author, I seek to use this website to discuss my books and the esoteric and occult in general. I strive to offer inspiration to my regular readers and casual visitors alike.


at a time

Our Lady's Dowry: The Decline and Fall of the Anglican Church

On the collapse of Christianity in England and the feckless Anglican clergy responsible for it  more  

The Good Thief and the "Other Guy"

The story of the Good and Bad Thieves is an allegory of the choices we make between truth and falsity in a world mixed by good and evil forces.   more  

A Tale from an Anglican Boneyard

Why are contemporary Church of England clergypeople so spineless?   more  

Watkins Books

I am proud to confirm that four of my titles are now available to purchase in-store at Watkins Books in central London  more  

The General Doctrine of Pasqually and Gnosticism

Although Pasqually’s Universal Table shares many similarities with the theogony of gnosticism – not least that of the Simonians – it differs markedly in a number of areas, not leas...  more  

Evelyn Underhill and The Cloud of Unknowing

Among Evelyn Underhill’s most beautiful contributions to western esotericism was her translation of a medieval mystical treatise known as The Cloud of Unknowing.   more  

Jacob Wrestled with God

In Genesis we read the story of Jacob wrestling with an unknown man until daybreak. Jacob is wounded in the hip, and learns that the stranger is God. What does this bizarre encount...  more  

The Archangel Michael and the Rite of Exorcism

The Rite of Exorcism includes the Leonine Prayers of Pope Leo XIII (Vincenzo Pecci, 1810-1903). The invocation of the Archangel Michael is the most prominent part of these prayers....  more  

Mary and the Hypostatic Union

Mary represents the human mind and our spirit conjoined forever with the Divinity in Christ. That is her mission as the Queen of Heaven. Here, on Earth, the continuing ministry of ...  more