Among Evelyn Underhill’s most beautiful contributions to western esotericism was her translation of a medieval mystical treatise known as The Cloud of Unknowing. more
lecture on August 21, 2022 more
In Genesis we read the story of Jacob wrestling with an unknown man until daybreak. Jacob is wounded in the hip, and learns that the stranger is God. What does this bizarre encount... more
The Rite of Exorcism includes the Leonine Prayers of Pope Leo XIII (Vincenzo Pecci, 1810-1903). The invocation of the Archangel Michael is the most prominent part of these prayers.... more
Mary represents the human mind and our spirit conjoined forever with the Divinity in Christ. That is her mission as the Queen of Heaven. Here, on Earth, the continuing ministry of ... more
Was the crucifixion an initiatory act? more
What was the true identity and the real mission of Christian Rosenkreutz? more
“You whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, ‘You are my servant, I have chosen you and shall not cast you off’” Isaiah 41:9 more
“They who are wise shall be humble.” Enoch more
Jeremiah's life may be summed up in three words: that of good hope, labour and disappointment. more