Author's Blog

My work as a writer is ongoing, and more work, both in the form of books, papers, articles, and interviews will be published here in the upcoming months and years.



at a time

Le Traité de la réintégration des êtres de Martinés de Pasqually

Le Traité de Martinés de Pasqually était partiellement achevé à sa mort. Destiné à être un commentaire complet des cinq premiers livres de Moïse dans l'Ancien Testament chrétien, i...  more  

Time Slips

Is there a connection between the Jungian concept of the “anima” or the feminine part of a man's personality; the irrational part of the soul, that of feelings, particularly of lov...  more  

Introduction to 'Martinez de Pasqually: Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings Into Their Original Property, Virtue and...

The full introduction to The Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings of Martinez (Martinés) de Pasqually (c.1727 - 1774). The Treatise was only partially finished at the time of Pa...  more  

Pierre Fournié

The first translation into English of the Abbé Fournié's treatise brings back to life one of the most influential minds of the original Élus Coën.   more  

‘Pierre Fournié: What We Have Been What We Are & What We Will Become’

Transcript of Sapere Aude live recording # 338 on ‘Pierre Fournié: What We Have Been What We Are, And What We Will Become’  more  

The Transformation of St. Paul

Paul’s zealousness for the Law had been revealed for what it was: a futile hope. It was time for initiates to discover Christ through the transformative power of the Spirit. First ...  more  

Pierre Reymond: The Alchemist of Limoges

Pierre Reymond's workshops expanded craft metalworking into the production of beautiful enamelled metal tableware, painted with mythological and biblical scenes. Is there a deeper ...  more  

The Seven Spirits and Mary of Magdala

Mary Magdalene as an allegory of spiritual warfare in the New Testament.   more  

The Letters of Martinez de Pasqually

Published in English in The Lessons of Lyons (2021). Thirty of Pasqually's letters written between 1767 - 1773.   more  

Our Lady's Dowry: The Decline and Fall of the Anglican Church

On the collapse of Christianity in England and the feckless Anglican clergy responsible for it  more