Article in Watkins Magazine on 'What We Have Been, What We Are, And What We Will Become' by Pierre Fournié. more
Originally published as an article in Flores et Taciturnitas in June 2023, a digital pamphlet by the Metropolitan Study Group of the Metropolitan College No. 1, Societas Rosicrucia... more
Research Paper Presented to the the S.R.I.A.'s Metropolitan Study Group, on 18th March 2023 by M.R. Osborne more
Document de recherche présenté au Groupe d'étude métropolitain de la S.R.I.A., le 18 mars 2023 par M.R. Osborne more
Transcription de Sapere Aude 338 : « Pierre Fournié: Ce que nous avons été, ce que nous sommes et ce que nous deviendrons » avec Michael Osborne more
Le Traité de Martinés de Pasqually était partiellement achevé à sa mort. Destiné à être un commentaire complet des cinq premiers livres de Moïse dans l'Ancien Testament chrétien, i... more
Is there a connection between the Jungian concept of the “anima” or the feminine part of a man's personality; the irrational part of the soul, that of feelings, particularly of lov... more
The full introduction to The Treatise on the Reintegration of Beings of Martinez (Martinés) de Pasqually (c.1727 - 1774). The Treatise was only partially finished at the time of Pa... more
The first translation into English of the Abbé Fournié's treatise brings back to life one of the most influential minds of the original Élus Coën. more